Automation is a cornerstone of success for any injection molding company, offering a myriad of benefits that boost efficiency, consistency, and overall productivity. By automating key processes, these companies can drastically reduce production times, minimize errors, and optimize resource allocation. This not only streamlines operations but also ensures consistent product quality, resulting in both heightened customer satisfaction and a competitive edge in the market. In today's dynamic manufacturing landscape, automation is indispensable for staying at the forefront and meeting modern production demands.

At GTP, our adept team of automation engineers continually assesses operations, pinpoints opportunities, tackles challenges, devise and implements solutions. Supported by an in-house fabrication team and strong external partners, they breathe life into these designs and elevate operations to surpass customer expectations. This is another great example of how dedication to craftsmanship distinguishes GTP from the competition.

GTP’s automation capabilities include:

1. Customized End-of-Arm Tooling (EOAT) design

2. Automation for part loading and insert loading

3. Automated systems for part picking and handling

4. In-cell automation for pad printing, laser etching, and hot stamping

5. Integration of vision inspection systems and other quality verification automation

6. In-cell automation for barcode labeling

7. Automated processes for sorting, stacking, assembly, packaging, and other downstream operations

8. Utilization of bowl feeders

9. Precision part orientation

10. Automated O-ring assembly

11. Computer-controlled material blending